сряда, 11 декември 2013 г.

Хайде вземете си малко poetry.

// Alpha:

Life is nothing but pain and crysis/
and a little bit slices/
of death/
and tryin' to gaze the depth/
of how deep the black ice is/
there is a hammer in my fist/
as I write this/
righteous verse/
and lyrics a lifeless person/
spit them and turns into ices/
and it rises!
These words should be inscribed
into the horizons/
and the bleeding skies.

// Part One:

Me, I got goals and inspirations/
but I don't have dreams/
'cause dreams are just your memories/
 being organized and processed/
and when you are asleep/
you can't make progress/
on your conquest/
during the on set.

// Part Two:

It's strange/
'cause I can excelerate the time/
bloody hell is on my mind/
but at least I am feeling so damn good.
and in my life everything is gray/
even death may come today/
but at least I feel so damn good.

// Omega:

Death is/
the day they find you breatless/
left with/
no comprehension/
of the day you once thought life was precious/
now press this/
pen on the page/
and write your death wish!

неделя, 24 ноември 2013 г.


Емоционално изнасилен/
вербално титаничен/
колосално колоритен/
ненужно лаконичен/
дори и прозаичен/
в живот цикличен/
толкова меланхоличен/
съм толкова монотонен/
чак изхабен/
но вечен.

понеделник, 2 септември 2013 г.

Sweep me away.

And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about.
John Steinbeck

Once, there was a tiger striped cat. This cat, died a million deaths, revived and lived a million lives. And he had various owners that he didn’t really care about, the cat wasn’t afraid to die. Then ONE day, he met a white female cat, the two of them fell in love and lived together happily. Well, the year’s went by and the white female cat got old and passed away. The Tiger Striped cat cried a million times, then he also died. But this time…..he didn’t come back. 
Spike Spiegel 

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
Sherlock Holmes

And my love will never be based on whether or not you love me back.
Sean Daley

and last but not least:

There is nothing in the world. Nothing but myself, my dreams, and my love.
 Borislav Nikolov

сряда, 27 февруари 2013 г.


Всичко там,
всичко тук,
всичко има край,
има начало,
има подем,
има падение,

Нищо там,
нищо тук,
нищо няма край,
няма начало,
няма подем,
няма падение,

И аз съм там,
аз съм тук,
аз имам край,
имам начало,
имам подем,
имам падение,

Има ли смисъл?

Дали знам какъв е?
Не, но в това е чара.